In June 2019, the Grassroots Policy Project (GPP) and People’s Action teamed up to co-host an inaugural Strategy College for some of the nation’s leading social justice organizers. We aimed to build a bench of long-term strategists equipped to move big ideas and deep structural change.
The Strategy College convened more than 40 leaders representing a broad cross-section of social movement sectors. College participants included executive directors who devoted a week of their busy schedules along with frontline leaders committed to moving strategic analysis and practice within their organizations. We invited organizations that are often forced to emphasize their differences as they compete for funding and public recognition, knowing that space to develop long-term strategy together could help transcend manufactured divisions.
Surrounded by the beauty of summer in rural Minnesota, Strategy College participants stepped out of their everyday lives and into an immersive seven-day experience intentionally designed to forge new communities of practice.
Participating Organizations
- AAPIs for Civic Empowerment Education Fund (National)
- Center for Popular Democracy (National)
- Central Florida Jobs with Justice (Florida)
- Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (Minnesota)
- Citizen Action of New York (New York)
- Dream Defenders (Florida)
- Florida Immigrant Coalition (Florida)
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (National)
- Hometown Action (Alabama)
- Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia (Minnesota)
- Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa)
- Jobs With Justice (National)
- Justice is Global (National)
- Land Stewardship Project (Minnesota)
- Maine People’s Alliance (Maine)
- Make the Road New York (New York)
- Organize Florida (Florida)
- Philadelphia Student Union (Pennsylvania)
- Power California (California)
- Reclaim Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
- TakeAction Minnesota (Minnesota)
- The Carolina Federation (North Carolina)
- The People’s Lobby / Reclaim Chicago (Illinois)
- Working Families Party (National)