Our Strategic Education sessions connect systems analysis (how we got here and what we are up against) with strategy tools (practices to help advance structural shifts and transform systems).
Our Strategic Education programs include:
- The national Strategy College brings together a broad cross-section of organizers and leaders from across the country to dive deep into our strategic frameworks, engage in participatory analysis, and create a community of praxis. The college is run in partnership with People’s Action. In 2020, our virtual college included 100 participants from a wide range of organizations, including National Nurses United, United Teachers of Los Angeles, Communication Workers of America, New Florida Majority, Sierra Club, Power California, Indigenious Environmental Network, Climate Justice Alliance, Right to the City Alliance, Reclaim Philadelphia, and many more.
- The Feminist Organizing School trains leaders on integrating a feminist lens into their work. The school is run in partnership with Grassroots Global Justice Alliance.
- We partner with philanthropic allies, such as Solidaire Network.
- We offer tailored strategic education programs for organizations or alliances.